Bray Primary Care Centre

Kevin Maguire (ORHT) was delighted to join Minister for Health, Simon Harris at the sod turning event for Bray Primary Care Centre.

ORHT are providing Project Manangement and Cost Management services on the Henry J Lyons designed healthcare facility.

SCSI/Lionheart Charity Golf Day

ORHT are always happy to support the SCSI/Lionheart Charity Golf Day held, annually, in  Woodbrook Golf Club. LionHeart is the charity for SCSI and RICS professionals and their families who, as a result of one or other of life’s vicissitudes, are in need of assistance. Thanks to the hardworking team who organise this wonderful event every year and to all those who supported it on the day.

Pictured below is the ORHT team who came a creditable second in the team event held on the 15th June! (from L to R): Ciaran Kirwan, Margetson & Greene Solicitors, Paul Ryan, ORHT and Stephen Tierney, Stephen Tierney & Associates Architects.