ORHT has been working with Dublin Port to deliver a major share of the required capital infrastructure, including Ocean Pier Berth 31-34 and Ro-Ro Jetty.

Congratulations to Keating Construction, as part of the Roadbridge Keating Joint Venture, being shortlisted for two awards for their work on Dublin Port’s Ocean Pier Berth 31-34 and Ro-Ro Jetty at the Engineers Ireland Excellence Awards 2019.

Dublin Port Company (DPC) is developing Dublin Port on the basis of Masterplan 2040. This was first published in 2012 and reviewed and updated in 2018. Development works at Dublin Port are already advanced with construction of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR) Project well under way and capital investment of €1 billion planned over the next decade.

RIAI Design Award for Dublin Port Precinct Works

ORHT are delighted to see that the recently completed Precinct Opening Up Works project in Dublin Port took first prize in the Public Space category at the RIAI Irish Architecture Awards 2018 held in the Mansion House on Friday 8th June 2018.  Congratulations to our client Dublin Port for commissioning this wonderful piece of public realm works which was intended to soften the boundaries between the Port and the City and to Darmody Architecture and the rest of the team for coming up with such a vibrant, engaging design.

Included below are some photographs of this fabulous scheme along with one of Tim Darmody, of Darmody Architecture and Paul Ryan, MD of ORHT at the Mansion House.



Alexandra Basin Redevelopment

Works are ongoing on Dublin Port ORHT are delighted to have been Appointed as Project Managers and Professional Quantity Surveyors on the works ORHT











For more information on this extensive and challenging project please click here


Port Precinct Opening Up Works

ORHT are delighted to have been appointed as Professional Quantity Surveyors on the Dublin Port Precinct Works, commissioned by Dublin Port Company.

The project reintegrates the Port with the City and by employing the highest quality landscaping and architectural design will serve to significantly soften the boundaries between both.

Dublin Port Picture Conor McCabe Photography


Pictured above are (from L-R) Eamon O’ Reilly, CEO, Dublin Port Company, Charles Wills, Managing Director, Wills Bros, Jim Kelleher, Project Manager, Dublin Port Company, Paul Ryan, Managing Director, ORHT and Tim Darmody, Managing Director, Darmody Architects.

For more information on this exciting project please click on the link below:-
